A formal group of agricultural graduates making significant contribution for individual and national growth and development, desirous of being formed into a society have actually formed an association while attending the scientists convention held in the Rajshahi University in the first week of January, 1970 in the name and style as “East Pakistan Agricultural Association”.
Whereas after war of liberation of Bangladesh the association was unanimously renamed as Bangladesh Krishibid Samity in an extra-ordinary general meeting held on 2nd January, 1972 in the premises of Krishi Bhaban, Farmgate, Tejgaon. Dhaka. In that meeting the rights and privileges of being formed into a society has been restored and promoted under the constitution of the People’s of Bangladesh. (Vide Article No.-38).
After that several agricultural graduates applied under their signatures that the association be governed by set of agreed upon rules and regulations and a sub-committee was formed with a view to preparing a draft constitution. The draft constitution was studied by another sub-committee formed in an extra ordinary general meeting held on 10 february 1973. In pursuance of those aspirations and acts so taken the Bangladesh Krishibid Samity at its extra-ordinary general meeting held on 12 April, 1973 at Dhaka approved, enacted and gives to themselves a constitution to come into effect from this day, the 12 April 1973 all over Bangladesh and the formal activities started from that day.